1. Pay more than €3 for a taxi home

This semester however, I will point blank
refuse any taxi driver that is not willing to take me home for €3, provided
there are four of us in the taxi. He should be thrilled by the prospects of €12
for a short, less-than-ten minute drive out to the university. If not, I’ll
simply walk two metres down the road to the next taxi. By the time you’ve shut
the door on nine taxis, the tenth taxi driver definitely won’t say no.
2. Go out wearing heels
Not that I ever did that during the first
semester. I’m just restating the fact that I refuse to wear heels in Limerick.
Towards the end of the first semester I honestly tried my best to wear a pair
out one night. I got as far as the house twenty metres from mine and couldn’t
endure the pain any longer.
I don’t know how I used to do it in
Killarney. Every night without fail I would wear heels on a night out. Now I
can barely look at the damn things without a blister forming on my heel. I guess
when it boils down to it, going out in Killarney is all very pretentious
compared to Limerick. It’s all about who you’ll see out, what they’ll see you
wearing, who they’ll see you with, etc. In Limerick, it’s all about that bass,
‘bout that bass, no trouble… Okay no it’s not, but it really is all about the
dancing and the drinking. How it ought to be, in my opinion.
3. Buy chicken from Lidl
Since coming to college and realising that
Lidl is a far shorter walk than Aldi, Lidl has become my bae. Chocolate, ice
cream, drink, cookies; you name it, Lidl has it. And for way less than the
likes of Tesco or Super Valu, my once preferred choice of supermarkets.
With the development of this newfound love
for the German super-company, I made the decision to trust it with my main
source of nutrition in the whole college week – chicken breasts. Chicken curry,
chicken stir-fry… I expected my list of chicken-based meals to be longer, but
that’s it. But yeah, I like my chicken. So you can only imagine my disgust when
I realised the chicken I had bought (with five days left before the use-by
date, btw) was entirely gone off. Now imagine my horror at the thought that I
am chickenless for the entire week. That’s a good three dinners out of five
gone out the window. Chicken balls.
4. Miss more than 10 hours of college a week
Probably something I shouldn’t have to put
on this list. Nevertheless, we all know there are times in the week when you
have zero motivation to make that ten-minute trek to a lecture you know will be
online the next day. Especially when it’s raining. And getting dark. And the
housemate asks who wants tea. And you really would love a cup of tea.
Maybe then it’s okay to miss an hour here
and there, but certainly no more than that. Last semester was pretty reckless
and although there were only a few weeks where I missed a significant amount of
hours, I’m going to redeem myself this semester.
Last semester, I devised the idea of a
drink jar. For every hour of college that is missed, a euro must be placed in
the drink jar. At the end of the semester, the money is spent on, well, drink.
Unfortunately, I contributed a large sum of money to the drink jar. That won’t
be happening this time around, though. My housemates laughed when I told them
I plan on going to every college hour of semester two. Well, I’m determined to
prove them wrong. For my pocket’s sake, at least.
5. Say hi to the village manager
Quite simply, he’s a bit of a bollocks.
Many an evening I have walked past him, made eye contact in an attempt to say
hello, and he has glided past me as if I wasn’t even there. I don’t know if he
suffers from massive blind spots in both of his eyes, or if he’s just a
miserable fucker. Either way, I won’t be caught almost wasting my breath on him
6. Go to the library
You would think, what with all the time I
missed of college last semester that this would be on my list of things I WILL
do this semester. But no, it is not. I don’t know about you, but I hate the
library. It’s always full no matter what time of the day you go there, and
there’s always a bloody queue greeting you when you get through security.
Because yes, that’s what it feels like to me when I walk through the library
doors. I feel like I should be whipping out my passport as a second form of ID
in case my student card fails me.
On top of that, I haven’t a fucking clue
where anything is in there. For those of you that need to find a book but
haven’t been into the library yet, don’t bother. Seriously, don’t. It’s too
big. You’ll spend longer trying to find your way back out of the library than
it would take to order the book online and have it delivered by standard mail
from China.
7. Order pizza twice a week
Or even once a week for that matter. The
amount of fivers I have handed over to the men in little cars is ridiculous.
Not only that, it’s so unhealthy. There’s a reason those pizza deals are five euro, and it’s not because they’re made with only the finest ingredients.
I know what you’re thinking. “But it’s so
convenient and it’s relatively cheap and it means no cooking for the night,
woooooo.” Oh believe me, I love seeing that anonymous number appearing on my
screen as much as the next person but cutbacks must be made this semester.
I know what you’re thinking. “Boo, you
8. Leave my bedroom door unlocked overnight
Somehow I survived the whole of the first
semester without having my room raided and destroyed. The other not so lucky
housemates had toothpaste on their mirrors, chairs stuck out their windows,
clothes thrown everywhere and even a fortress made out of their whole room. How
I escaped the wrath of the “lads” is pretty obvious – I put the fear of God
into them. I know damn well they’d be too afraid to even breathe in my room for
fear of me noticing.
I hope to maintain this fear factor right
through to May, so as to safeguard my personal belongings and most importantly,
my food. Having said that, I will still take precaution and lock my door at
night. You know, just in case.
9. Stay up until 6am on a Sunday night
Ah, Sundays. The day of rest. The day we
all arrive back in Limerick for the week. The night we all go to bed before
12am because we all have 9am starts the following morning…
WRONG. Even though literally nothing
exciting ever happens on a Sunday night (unless we order Chinese. That’s pretty
exciting), I somehow still end up awake at all hours of the night. It actually
bothers me. Why do we do that to ourselves?! I don’t even… Anyway. Let’s hope
for better sleep this semester.
10. Have a midday shower
You know that thing in the hot press that
allows you to put the hot water/ heating on earlier or for longer? Yeah, ours
doesn’t work. Maybe it’s this way for every house in Kilmurry, but in our house
the hot water takes about three hours to heat up from the time it’s actually
switched on. So every time I leave the hot water on for an extra two hours in
the mornings to accommodate my afternoon showers, I still end up having a
lukewarm shower. And we all know how miserable one feels after a lukewarm
shower. It spoils your mood for the rest of the day. That 5pm lecture looks
even more depressing than it did before your lukewarm shower. Then it starts
raining. Then your housemate offers you tea…
11. Rejoin badminton
Remember that feeling of anticipation and
excitement at the start of the semester, as you signed up for different, exotic
sports you had never tried before? That was me when I joined badminton. No, let
me rephrase. When I wasted a fucking tenner to play a sport I don’t even like
for about three weeks.
This semester I will be wiser. I will tread
with caution at the Clubs & Societies registration day. In fact, I might
just stay at home and eat. Yeah, I think I’ll do that.
12. Arrive late to a lecture
From what I’ve seen of students that arrive
late into a full lecture hall, they immediately regret it. They are usually
greeted with a sarcastic remark from the lecturer, followed by sniggers from
the hundreds of people staring at them.
I can understand why someone who is two
minutes late to a lecture the whole way down in Kemmy would go in, but those
people that stroll in twenty minutes late with a blank expression on their
face? They bewilder me. My face winces just watching them open the door (that
always creaks when you're late, might I add) and try to creep in unnoticed. Oh no
my friend, we all see you. We will continue to see you as you search for a seat
amid the rows of staring faces. And we will laugh when the lecturer picks on
you and makes fun of your hair or your flowery shirt. You pussyshit.
13. Get a bus at 5pm
Oh merciful Lord. For those of you craters
that are forced to get a bus from the Stables at 5pm every day, you will know
what I’m talking about. All’s well and good until the screen shows “304
Ballycummin – 2 mins.” Then people start getting anxious. The crowd swells
around the outside of the bus shelter, each person trying to estimate where the
front door of the bus will stop. When the red light of the bus comes into
sight, all hell breaks loose. If you’re with someone, grab their hand or you’ll
lose them in the crowd. It’s like a stampede of elephants racing to get to the
watering hole first. Getting that 5pm bus is a safety hazard.
Finally, after squeezing every last person
onto a bus that should only hold about fifty, you sit there uncomfortably for
forty-five minutes before you reach the city centre. I kid you not. I’ve taken
that bus at least four times and timed it each time. So after all the chaos and
mayhem of getting onto that 5pm bus, you probably would’ve gotten into the city
faster on the 5:15pm bus. Oh, the irony.
Really good post Olivia :) Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteSmiling broadly!!
ReplyDeletesays Rosie!