So yes, I have decided to make this list for no other reason
than I have run out of good ideas. This is merely to occupy my mind until I think
of something… deeper, shall we say. Nevertheless, it might be interesting. Heck,
I might even show glimpses of happiness in this. We all know I’m not the most
uplifting writer. Ho-hum.
Okay so I started with this one on purpose.
I can imagine certain people muttering ‘Oh God’ (or worse) on seeing it. I can’t
deny I love having a good old sob. Whether it be to a movie or a song, in
public or into my pillow, it’s almost an addictive sensation for me. I feel so
fresh after, no matter how ridiculous that sounds. Yeah, I’m a crier. Beats being
a rock anyway; too much effort for my liking.
Hearing people give advice
I possibly should have included the words “try
to” in that statement. So many people genuinely think they’re being deep and
insightful, when reality is they just sound like a complete dunce. I think
girls are the biggest culprits for this shameful act. Sometimes I hear ‘advice’
and wonder did this imbecile even process the information before releasing it
into the mind of their desperate friend. Who, for the record, nods in
agreement, exclaiming “Yeah omg you’re SO right, you’re SO good at giving
Buying food
It’s an obsession. I literally spend all of
my money on food when I’m in town. If you have ever been so unlucky as to have
spent a day in my company you will realise the truth in these words. I simply
venture from Subway to the Dungeon, back to Eddie Rockets and maybe a quick
visit out to McDonalds, if I’m feeling ambitious.
Justin Bieber
Finally, after around four years of
resistance, I have succumbed to the power of the Biebs. Was it his new haircut
or his vocal transformation from girl to boy? I don’t know. All I can be sure
of is my undeniable fetish for his cheesy, unoriginal music. Be it “One Time”, “Never
Say Never” or even “Baby”, I will happily bop along to any of his catchy songs.
His Heaven- sent looks simply add to my interest in this boy. I was pleasantly
pleased to hear today that he also has a six-pack. But can I make one thing very clear – I am not a Belieber. Just
Playing with my hair
I do this all the time. It’s an impulse
that I simply can’t shake. Twirling my hair into all sorts of knots and then
unravelling them, taking two strands of hair and making them into one – it’s irresistible!
Especially when my hair is über-soft. It’s
such a typically girly thing to do, and such a cliché. But hey, whatcha gonna
do? It’s fun.

Being considered a snob
To my disappointment, this doesn’t happen
that often anymore. However, I still consider myself to be quite pretentious at
times. I like the finer things in life – who doesn’t? Admittedly, I would turn
my nose up to a three-star hotel or taking public transport. But if there’s no
other option then I wouldn’t kick up a fuss. For the most part anyway.
Disney Channel everything
Horror movies
Nothing beats a wet, dark night spent
watching a movie that you know is going to freak the shit out of you. I’m
terrible with scary movies. I have an awful habit of not breathing when I feel
something hair-raising is about to happen. I watched a movie before with my
friends about an exorcism and it left me terrified. I asked my best friend to
accompany me into the kitchen knowing I would be safer with her. I turned my
back for a split second, only to turn back and find my friend on the floor with
her body twisted into a weird position, imitating an exorcism. I locked myself
into the utility room. Bitch.
10. Singing in my room
I’m singing as write this, which takes
serious concentration. Every day without fail I spend at least half an hour
just sitting on my bed, singing. With my iPod speakers, obviously. My voice is
awful. I like to pretend I’m a great singer; my music is so loud that my voice
can suddenly change from sounding like Hayley Williams to Avril Lavigne perfectly.
At least I sing badly behind closed doors. Those people that murder songs
publically should be fined.
11. Pulling out eyelashes
This one sounds quite psychotic because,
quite frankly, it is. My mom tells me on a regular basis that only people in
mental institutions do that and would I like to join them. I can’t help it though;
I’m extremely paranoid about getting eyelashes in my eyes. So I thought being one
step ahead and catching them while they’re loose would be a good idea. Apparently
12. D.M.C.s
Unfortunately, not everyone gets as excited
by deep and meaningful conversations as I do. I don’t know what it is about
emotionally connecting with people on such a level that appeals to me so much,
but I’m hooked. And I’m really good at them. Apparently I’m “too deep”
sometimes, which I find hilarious. Mostly because I know it’s true.
13. Checking people out
Okay I’m pretty sure most of you reading
this can relate to this one. Sometimes it’s even a subconscious act that one
really can’t control. It’s like window-shopping. You can browse for hours, you don’t
need to decide on anything immediately, and it doesn’t cost a cent. So who wouldn’t
enjoy looking at beours and feens all day? I’m not picky; I’ll take either.
14. Serious talks in school
Those talks that everyone rolls their eyes
at? You know the ones. I’m in my freakin’ element in there. “Today we’re going
to talk about bullying”. Sweeeeet. My strange enthusiasm is possibly due to how
passionate I am about exposing these touchy issues. I have no problem
discussing these topics, so I thrive on the classes where shit gets serious.
15. Looking in the mirror
I blame my parents for this. Without the
massive “Sliderobe” mirrors that account for half of my room, I would not be
anywhere near as mirror-dependant. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a vain person at
all. I just like knowing what I look like all the time. It’s probably really
unhealthy that I spend so much time in front of them. But when you combine my
singing crazes with my own reflection, a mini concert is created in my own
bedroom every night.
16. Buying Converse
Anyone that knows me in the slightest could
tell you about my obsession with Converse. It’s actually more of an addiction. I
feel deprived now because I haven’t bought a new pair in about a year. I have
almost every colour available, and in so many different styles and shapes. Roughly,
I own about seventeen pairs. Yes I know I’m an unappreciative, spoilt child. I’m
aware of this. But I’m getting new Cons in a few weeks so I don’t really care. La
la la.
17. Stalking on Facebook
The entire population of Facebook users are
guilty of this pleasure and there is no denying it. How could anyone resist
delving through the social lives of their fellow peers? I certainly can’t. I’d
be first to admit that most of my time on Facebook is spent creepin’ on others.
But there is a limit. When you ‘like’ a person’s profile photo from last
February, you know you’ve gone too far. You may think you’re complimenting
someone, but you’re not. You’re freaking the fuck out of them and leading to yourself
being de-friended.
18. Kristen Stewart
This gorgeous woman is my weakness regarding
the Twilight movies. Without her, my interest would be miniscule. I am neither
Team Edward nor Team Jacob – I am Team Bella all the way. Who cares if she’s a
greedy whore? She’s hot so it’s okay. I’m just biased towards her as you can
see. Any movie involving Ms Stewart is a movie I would recommend. Her natural
beauty is breath-taking and she completely won me over when she wore Converse
with a dress to the MTV Movie Awards.
Marry me?